Two of Philippi’s “home town boys” returned to Main Street last week when Adrian Larry, co-owner and artist of Morgantown’s Bixby Studios, delivered Bixby’s creation of Lurch, the fictional character in the 1960s TV series “The Adams Family.”
Larry, a 1987 graduate of Philip Barbour High School, joined forces with Chad and Sarah Sine of Morgantown’s Bixby Studios nearly 10 years ago, as a group of fine artists who specialize in creating custom art for commercial and private use. Bixby uses sculpture, painting, make up effects and more to create its creatures and creations. Bixby Studios has been featured in WV Living magazine and has exhibited at the TransWorld Halloween & Attraction Show, the only industry trade show of its kind in the world. Bixby Studios may be visited on Facebook and Instagram.